Breathing Life Into Your Broken Air Flow Mattress Systems: Your Ultimate Repair Guide

Hcsuk are experts in helping care homes get their air flow mattress systems repaired, with minimal hassle, and saving them £1,000s on unnecessary new mattress replacement systems.

When was the last time you completed an audit of all of your airflow mattresses, whether they’re on a bed or sitting in a store cupboard or cellar? 

  • Do you have mattresses in need of repair, but don’t know what needs doing or where to start? 

  • Do your staff treat your air flow mattresses as semi disposable items, and when they break down they just order a new one? 

  • Have you purchased brand new mattress systems, without looking at what resources you already have and how you could get them back up and working?

Having spoken to many care providers, I understand that this is a real problem that many care homes face. 

Our friends at Woodleigh Care Home in Mansfield discovered they had no less than 19 unloved and redundant airflow mattresses piled up in their cellar.

They had no idea whether the mattresses were faulty, in working order, or had been put there for storage, and they definitely weren’t hygienically clean from an infection prevention perspective. 

The problem they had was that when a mattress wasn’t working properly, rather than diagnosing the faults in-house, or making arrangements to get them repaired by a contractor, staff were literally dumping them in a big pile in the cellar where they got forgotten about. 

Download Your FREE Airflow/Alternating Mattress Inspection Checklist 

It had become a habit to treat airflow mattresses as semi disposable and every time one broke down, rather than trying to fix them, they ordered a new one in its place. 

This meant that they had additional unnecessary expenditure on purchasing new mattresses,(circa £700 per mattress) when for a fraction of the cost of a new one, (£105.00) they could have their existing mattresses professionally decontaminated with a diagnostic test and full supporting functionality report with written repair recommendations including costs. 

To help them solve this issue, we recommended that we collect all 19 of their mattresses, create an asset register for them, and put them through our Full Immersion Mattress Decontamination, Diagnostic and Repair Service (which (includes full test report, decontamination certificate and redelivery).  

 Once each mattress had been thoroughly decontaminated, every system was tested and diagnosed for any faults. We then provided them with a full written quotation which included any parts required to repair the issue plus the decontamination charge. The customer then had a clear understanding of which mattresses were working effectively, which ones needed repairing, including the cost, and whether it was cost effective to carry out the repair. 

They were now able to take control, make informed choices and better decisions.

This resulted in us being able to return to them 14 of their original 19 airflow mattresses, professionally decontaminated and in perfect working order, and the bonus of some spare working parts salvaged from the other condemned units. 

So for a base line investment of £105 per mattress, they were able to save just under £10,000 on the purchase of new mattresses and because they didn’t need to dispose of them, our mattress repair service didn’t cost them the earth in more ways than one! 

The registered manager Rachel gave us this review:

Working with Hcsuk, and using their highly efficient mattress repair service helped us to save several thousands of pounds of unnecessary costs on new airflow mattresses by being able to identify out of a number of redundant systems sitting in our cellar, which ones were repairable.

The end result for us was 14 out of 19 mattresses being returned to us hygienically cleaned, repaired and in full working order. This really is a no brainer solution for care homes and I couldn’t recommend their service highly enough.’ 

Hcsuk’s team of trained technicians have extensive experience and a wide knowledge base of all brands of Air Flow Mattress and Cushion systems.

Do you have any redundant air flow mattress systems which need a bit of love and attention?

The first step to getting them back up and working is just a phone call away. 

Why not call us today on 01773 713713 and book them in for a health check or email us at
