How Much Does Care Home Equipment Servicing Cost?

Keeping the people you support and your care teams safe, your care equipment well maintained and your care homes compliant with current legislation is our absolute priority here at Hcsuk Servicing.

If you haven’t already, why not download our FREE guide,’ Helping you to create safer care environments’ which is packed with really valuable information to help you understand your legal and regulatory obligations to comply with LOLER, Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER), PUWER, (Provision and Use of Work Equipment 1998) and CQC, Care Quality Commission Regulation 12, Safe Care and Treatment.

Download Our Helping You To Create Safer Care Environments Guide

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Providing top-notch care for residents is your primary goal and ensuring the proper maintenance of essential medical equipment plays a vital role in achieving that objective.

Understanding The Importance of Care Home Equipment Servicing: Cost and Benefits.

Before we delve into the cost of servicing, let's emphasize the significance of regular equipment maintenance.

Why is Care Home Equipment Servicing Essential?

In care home settings, medical equipment like patient lifts, hospital beds, pressure relief mattresses, mobility aids and more are indispensable for residents' well-being. 

Routine servicing and maintenance of your equipment ensures:

  1. Safety: Regular maintenance helps detect and address potential hazards, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries to both residents and staff.
  2. Optimal Performance: Well-maintained equipment operates at its best capacity, guaranteeing smooth functioning, and minimizing disruptions and more importantly costs in care.
  3. Extended Lifespan: Timely servicing can prolong the lifespan of equipment, saving substantial replacement costs in the long run.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Care regulators including HSE, CQC and Local Authorities mandate periodic inspections and maintenance of medical equipment to meet safety standards and compliance requirements.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Care Home Equipment Servicing:

Now, let's explore the factors that contribute to the cost of equipment servicing. 

Keep in mind that the actual expenses can vary based on various elements, including:

  1. Equipment Types: The range of medical equipment used in care homes is vast, and each type demands different levels of expertise and time for servicing. Complex devices might incur higher costs compared to basic ones.
  2. Frequency of Servicing: The frequency of servicing largely depends on the equipment type, manufacturer recommendations, and usage patterns. More frequent servicing might entail higher costs but can save expenses in the long-term by preventing major breakdowns.
  3. Service Provider: The choice of service provider plays a significant role in determining the cost and quality of the servicing work being undertaken. Established and specialized service companies may charge more in some cases, but their expertise, promptness and reliability are often well worth the investment in the long run and this is predominantly what we pride ourselves on here at hcsuk.
  4. Contractual Agreements: Some care homes opt for service contracts that cover multiple equipment types. These contracts can offer cost savings and often include priority response times and other perks.
  5. Urgent Repairs vs. Planned Maintenance: Emergency repairs can be costlier due to immediate response requirements, and at Hcsuk we do have a same day call out policy for those most urgent of repair needs, while planned maintenance scheduled in advance is generally more budget friendly.

The Cost vs. Benefits Perspective:

While the upfront cost of equipment servicing can appear substantial, it's essential to view it as an investment rather than an expense. The benefits far outweigh the financial outlay:

  1. Resident Well-being: By ensuring that medical equipment is functioning optimally, you enhance the quality of care provided to your residents, fostering their well-being and comfort.
  2. Staff Productivity: Reliable equipment reduces downtime and frustrations, allowing your staff to focus on caregiving rather than dealing with faulty equipment.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Compliant equipment servicing helps you adhere to healthcare standards, avoiding potential penalties and reputation damage, and also makes the CQC visits and gradings so much more acceptable as a business.
  4. Cost Savings: Regular maintenance prevents major breakdowns, helping to reduce the need for expensive repairs or replacements in the future.

How do we set our prices?

Here at hcsuk Servicing, we understand the significance of well-maintained care home equipment, and so we urge you not to overlook the value of investing in servicing. 

For your complete peace of mind and the health and longevity of your care equipment, each item of equipment undergoes a specific number of safety checks with a MINIMUM time allocation according to type, as part of our rigorous periodic service inspection and LOLER examination regime, as detailed below.

Your ongoing investment is therefore reflected by the quality, thoroughness, labour and time involved to complete each service:

Here’s what our current servicing customers have told us about our service;

  • ‘Your engineer spends more quality time thoroughly checking each piece of our equipment than your competitors’
  • ‘We have less emergency call outs and equipment failures when our equipment is serviced by Hcsuk, due to the thoroughness of your engineers check’.
  • ‘You are more responsive and able to attend emergency call outs much more quickly than your competitors’.
  • ‘Your team are highly efficient, super helpful and solve our problems almost immediately’.
  • ‘We choose Hcsuk for all equipment supply, servicing and repairs, as the support we receive enables us to deliver the highest standards of care possible.’
  • ‘Your proactive diary management service ensures we always remain compliant and our residents are safe and well cared for’.
  • You can view our full current servicing price list here.

While the cost may seem daunting at first, the long-term benefits justify every penny spent.

Prioritizing equipment maintenance demonstrates a commitment to resident safety, staff efficiency, and regulatory compliance.

Remember, when it comes to care homes, providing the best possible care is priceless, and equipment servicing is an integral part of achieving that noble goal. 

So, embrace the value of regular servicing, and let it be a cornerstone of your care home's commitment to excellence!

And if you haven’t already, why not download our FREE guide,’ Helping you to create safer care environments’ which is packed with really valuable information to help you understand your legal and regulatory obligations to comply with LOLER, Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER), PUWER, (Provision and Use of Work Equipment 1998) and CQC, Care Quality Commission Regulation 12, Safe Care and Treatment.

To discuss your care home servicing needs, why not book a meeting with our Servicing Super hero Lee here, or email him at or call him today on 01773 532588.
