Care is at the Core of Everything we do.

Last week we showed you the short feedback cards we've been asking customers to fill in and we're delighted to share our April Customer Experience prize draw winner with you!

We are always aiming to provide our customers with a 10/10 experience in every interaction with us, whether it be a delivery, a service engineer call or a sales call. So we have introduced feedback cards giving our customers a chance to tell us if we're a 10, and if not what could we do to become a 10/10.
And to offer an incentive all completed cards are entered into a prize draw and a winner is drawn at the end of every month to receive a thank you gift.
Our winner from April was Mick Lloyd who sadly wasn’t present to accept the award, so another member of staff was willing to be photographed and accept the award from our service engineer Jason Palmer.
Keep your feedback cards coming in, we care about what you think and we strive to be 10/10 at all times.