Hcsuk's New Short Film 'Made With Love' Goes Global

We wanted to share with you our beautiful new short film, 'Made with Love' created by our MD Jo Bonser and Big Ian Donaghy who, together, have managed to capture the essence of why our Hcsuk team are so passionate about improving the lives of loved ones living with dementia.

Jo's message:

'At the recent Dementia and Care Expo at the NEC I was so proud to launch our new, heartwarming short film, to a packed Dementia Care Theatre, as part of my presentation, Served with a smile, made with love, why mealtimes are so much more than a plate full of food'.

This beautiful video, 'Made with Love', has been produced for us by the amazing Big Ian Donaghy, who's known for making one or two half-decent films!

When I first came up with the idea, there was really only ever one man for the job.

It's a project which has been on the table, (pardon the pun), for over 2 years, and due to the pandemic has been shelved several times. There were moments when I wondered if we could ever make it happen.

Dedicated to my Mum, Anne, who lived with vascular dementia, and whom I helped to support for over 6 years;  together we overcame her many eating difficulties which allowed her to blow out 390 more birthday candles before finally leaving us on Mother's Day in 2020.

My journey with Mum inspired me on my mission to help others facing similar challenges, supporting people living with dementia to eat better, and I have created various resources including my free Dignified Dining Solutions Guide, an interactive workshop The Dementia Mealtime Challenge, and this latest short film to highlight the importance of inclusivity and choice at mealtimes.

When I first saw our film, I was in bits!

It will make you laugh

It will make you cry

We hope it will make you think

It has definitely been 'Made with Love' because we CARE about helping to make a difference to the quality of life of people living with dementia, and especially the part food, and mealtimes play in that.

So far this film has been viewed and shared thousands of times globally including in Australia and America, and has been described as  'AWESOME, BRILLIANT, SUPERB, MOVING, AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL POWERFUL and a 'quality 9 minutes'.il

It's NOT just about food

It's SO much more.

Have your tissues at the ready and enjoy!

Watch our video here.

You can also download your free copy of our Dignified Dining Guide here and if you would like more details on our interactive workshop, you can enquire here.
Download your own copy of our Dignified Dining Solution Guide below or visit our website at www.hcsuk.co.uk.

Many people have asked me, 'how much is your guide?' and they are delighted when I tell them it's free and I call it my little gift to the universe.'