How Hcsuk are preventing a Coronavirus outbreak

The health, safety and welfare of not only our own team members, but also, our customers, staff and residents remains a top priority for us here at Hcsuk. We are, therefore taking ‘sensible’ actions to prepare for and respond to the growing Coronavirus outbreak in the UK whilst maintaining our usual high levels of service.

At the time of writing, we have had no suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst any of our team. However, it is important that we are fully prepared in case the situation in the UK gets worse. As well as reinforcing good hygiene practices throughout the company, we have taken the following measures:

  • We have checked that neither our team members, their partners or dependants have been abroad recently to either a Category 1 or 2 country, as detailed on the NHS website. We will be monitoring holiday locations and the implications of foreign travel for the foreseeable future and assessing staff on their return.
  • We have asked all our field-based staff to immediately report any flu-like symptoms, and where appropriate we will send them home
  • We will work closely with our customers and be guided by their site rules and have instructed our field based staff to adhere to these guidelines when visiting their premises.

Availability of certain products

Please note that certain products are in high demand and whilst we are doing everything in our power to ensure our regular customers are given priority on the supply of regularly ordered products, we are somewhat at the mercy of our suppliers and manufacturers who are also trying their best to meet wider demands. We are here to discuss any concerns you may have on availability of products and will be doing what we can to recommend product alternatives where appropriate.

What we ask of you

We would ask you to contact us to advise us if you receive confirmation that you have an outbreak of COVID-19, so we can take any appropriate further measures necessary, or if you have any particular restrictions in place at your home which we should be aware of.

We will be monitoring the ongoing situation and any changes regularly via the Department of Health and Public Health England's websites and will issue any revised information as deemed necessary.

Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss any of the above or you wish to raise any concerns about anything you feel we haven’t covered sufficiently on 01773 713713 or email us at

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