Discover how our laundry expert can help you SAVE valuable time and money in your laundry and IMPROVE compliance with CQC.

So, over the past few weeks we have been talking about ways to help you to improve standards and outcomes in your laundry, and offering you the opportunity to have the benefit of our FREE and unique laundry survey.

Several interested customers have come back to ask for an over view of what our laundry audit entails and what they can expect to receive and gain at the end of it, so we thought we would share that with you all just for clarification:

Hcsuk’s unique, FREE and innovative Laundry Audit for care homes:

Our laundry audit is carried out by Ken Moss, who is a technical laundry expert, having over 20 years experience of working in care sector laundries and who is also involved with new laundry product development. Believe me, what Ken doesn’t know about care home laundries isn’t worth knowing!

Ken follows a step by step process during the audit which looks like this:

  1. Checks of makes and models of laundry machines in use to check compatibility with auto-dosing equipment.
  2. An audit of existing laundry chemicals in use including looking at ingredients, levels of concentration, do they contain any broad spectrum anti-bacterial properties.Could they be causing any damage to fabrics?
  3. Checks on the actual dosing of the existing chemicals – are they being dosed correctly and what are the volumes being dosed by programme? (Ken will actually physically measure each product being dosed by wash cycle).
  4. Check with laundry staff which wash cycles they are currently using and look at where potentially lower temperature washes could be incorporated to reduce utility costs without compromising on wash results.
  5. Discuss with laundry staff what issues they are currently experiencing with existing systems, ie challenges with staining, lingering odours in clothing and bedding and rewashing.
  6. Conduct test washes so key staff can assess wash results with our laundry chemicals versus what they are currently able to achieve. If staff can provide us with real examples of stained clothing or bedding for us to tackle that is always helpful!
  7. We like to provide you with a breakdown of what each of your different wash cycles is currently costing you ‘per wash’. In order to do this accurately we ask that you provide us with costings on your current chemicals by container. We can work out the rest for you.
  8. We can then provide you with a direct cost per wash comparison by wash cycle using our chemicals and what the added benefits are, eg improved wash results, less staining, less rewashing, improved fragrance retention in clothes and bedding etc. We will also highlight any recommendations of tweaks in processes to help improve results.

I asked Ken if he could give me an average duration of a survey, just to give you an idea, and he simply said;

‘It takes as long as it takes to get the job done right’ which I loved! Your homes will have the benefit of Ken’s expertise for several hours. However, I will stress that he doesn’t disrupt the normal workings of the laundry, its business as usual and Ken will work round your staff.

I hope that you agree with me that this is a very comprehensive audit which we are offering and one which is unique in its depth and attention to detail.

We like to be different and genuinely want to work with you to help you achieve improved standards by providing expert advice, recommendations and fit for purpose product solutions which help you to get the job done right first time.

Also, it is very helpful in order to get the best outcomes, if you can identify key laundry staff and that they are available when Ken visits so that we get the best understanding of their challenges and can give them the best advice.

I hope that this gives you all of the information you need about out laundry audit, however if you do have any further questions, or to arrange a laundry survey for your home, then please don’t hesitate to contact us, either by email, or by phone on 01773 713713

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on our audit and how you feel it could assist you in improving results and standards within your home.