Dignified Dining for All

When you’re little, say 5 or 6 years old, and you spill your baked beans down your school jumper, no one really minds, because you’re young, and probably cute and you’re still learning to manipulate cutlery and crockery. Imagine when you are a little older and the same thing happens, we  might laugh at ourselves and apologise for the stain later on in the day.

What if you are older still and now can’t feed yourself without spilling more than beans? The spoon is hard to handle and you find you push more beans off the plate onto the table than get on the spoon and your hands shake so picking up the cup for your drink is difficult and messy. It’s frustrating and demoralising. The food isn’t as tasty as it used to be and this room feels too noisy, too bright and now you’re unsure if you even want to eat at all because it’s become such an unpleasant, overwhelming experience.

This is one image that has been on my mind, I’m very happy to say though, that having read our Dignified Dining Solutions guide, I have a much happier, brighter image to replace it.

Hcsuk have created a brilliant guide to help you deliver this to those in your care. The guide is complete with tips and solutions and a very personal experience from Jo Bonser our MD and several powerful testimonials from customers who have used the products suggested to help those in their care have renewed, better, dining experiences.

I can see people with a dementia eating in company, smiling and enjoying their food again. People gaining valuable nutrition from the food they eat, food that is presented on plates designed to engage the diner, set out on a table that is laid out with care and consideration with napkins and a table cloth,  in a room that is well lit, has minimal background noise and is a welcoming place to sit and eat together.  The people in this image are distinctly happy and well-loved and you can feel this level of care.

Please stay tuned to the blog and our Facebook page next week as Jo will be explaining more about why she is so passionate about this aspect of care and what the Dignified Dining Solutions guide can help you with and I can promise you, you won’t want to miss it.

DIgnified Dining Brochure A snapshot of what can be discovered in the Dignified Dining Brochure