UPDATE!! The Health Care Extreme Makeover - Home Edition!

We know you've all been keenly waiting to hear the news from Red Rose about their brilliant refurbishment project and here's the latest update. As you can see, there is a lot of work going into this project and we know it will help to make a huge difference in end of life care for many people and their loved ones.

[gallery ids="http://hcsuk.co.uk/wnews/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/c0RcjFlxSYC1KCwg9yeQ8A-e1549545685816.jpg|Work going on in the upper corridor of the refurbishment.,http://hcsuk.co.uk/wnews/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/5bkNv1u0RbWkBKgwghWc9Q-e1549545800712.jpg|A room having the new flooring laid. ,http://hcsuk.co.uk/wnews/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/dzZYn0X4Swy4uU76nT6cSQ-e1549535966640.jpg|An almost complete room, flooring down and painting finished, just the cleaning up to do! "]

[gallery ids="http://hcsuk.co.uk/wnews/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/pMDITpvQEikbtfmu8LvBQ-e1549546653868.jpg|The new bath being fitted.,http://hcsuk.co.uk/wnews/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/6j30scSVRcGr91xZ5N0sg-e1549546634173.jpg|One of the room numbers, a small but important detail,http://hcsuk.co.uk/wnews/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/feNTdhxWTtiBTBl52FA75A-e1549546588816.jpg|The large bathing suite which will cater for residents and provide the opportunity for a long soak. "]

If you missed the first blog, you can catch the "before" images here.

We are very happy to be a part of this project and we know that the people who use it will also be able to benefit from the enhancements and changes being made.